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Moving your website to HTTPS / Apply SSL

What does SSL( Secure Sockets Layer ) Certificates do?  Its protects senitive data bwtween server & a client, That means Information is transmitted between you and server is encrtypted. Things you should prevent before applying SSL. Check out your clients or any third party script you are using in your website are the secured?,  If  they don't provide secure service than your website will not be secure.  Use only secured script into your code.  Redirect your website http to https using 301(Permanent Redirect) code. Only E-commerce site required an SSL?   No, I have seen many discussion where people argue they don't need SSL Certificate as they are not offering information & not selling anything, Information is gold of 21st century, Using SSL encryption will prevent user in middle attack, which is serious security issue. Can get Free SSL? Yes absolutely  There are companies provide free LetsEncrypt & CloudFlare Now, let’s have a look at things you need t